A few months back I had an article published in Twins Magazine about making individual time with each twin. This is also one of the chapters in my book. One idea I suggested was taking each child on errands with a different parent.
Today, this plan worked to perfection. Now it certainly helps that we are both currently off work, and so I spent a few hours with our son, and my wife did the same with our daughter. My wife was going for a pedicure, and so taking my six year old girl along was not a difficult decision. She has gone with her before. My daughter plays on her Leappad while she waits her turn, and afterwards my wife took her out for an edible treat.
It was a little more tricky with my son.
You see our errands involved shopping, although two out of the three stops were specifically things for him. My son very much dislikes shopping. We also had to pick up a few food items. So in order to make the outing more appealing (for both him and me) I decided that we would also go for lunch at our favourite family eatery. I really enjoy having a meal or a treat with just one child (although helping him across a small table is more challenging than when my wife and I each sit with a child). We had a really good time together, and he cooperated extremely well for all the shopping, and was very helpful.
With twins, these times out with just my son or daughter less than I would like, so when they occur I cherish them. I hope that I can have a few hours with just my daughter soon, although I think it might be something diffferent than a pedicure. I did, however, recently bake with her using her easy bake oven, which was a lot of fun too!
For more from my twins parenting blog go to .http://atwinsdad.blogspot.ca
As the S@HD of twin toddlers, this has been an ongoing conversation between my wife and I. Whenever we try and get in some interactive learning time with one, the other has to be right in the mix as well. It's difficult when schedules don't always allow for 1 on 1 time, and I wonder sometimes if this is actually hurting their development.